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The Sisterlocks Package

First Visit - The Consultation

During this session, we will discuss your hair care history, styling preference, and lifestyle to determine if Sisterlocks™ is right for you! A number of "SAMPLE LOCKS" will be put in your hair to determine the appropriate pattern for your hair type. Information about care and maintenance, the product line, phases of the locking process, price, and follow-up visits will be provided. 

Second Visit - The Installation

Patience is very important during this phase of the process. The installation can take up to 20 hours or more and may be completed over 2-3 days depending on the thickness and length of your hair. You will be given a "Starter Kit", instructions, and a follow-up appointment to ensure that your journey is off to the best start. A commitment to good maintenance is key to gorgeous Sisterlocks™ over time. 

Third Visit - The Follow-Up

This visit is scheduled within one month of the installation and after at least two shampoos. A retighten will be done and we will discuss and answer any questions. Your next appointment will be scheduled during this visit at 4-6 week intervals depending on your hair type and speed of growth. This is also a way to monitor the locking process and quickly address any issues that may arise. 

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